
Anglican Spiritual Practices

A refresher for those familiar with practices, an introduction for those ready to go deeper.

A perfect opportunity to discover and nurture practices that feed you while also trying on practices that may challenge you and stretch you. Especially appropriate for Lent or Advent.

  • Assess your spiritual life
  • Learn about a system of spiritual practice, grounded in the tradition, rather than a piece-meal or smorgasbord approach
  • Experiment with ancient and traditional practices to serve life in a modern world
  • Develop or refine your own spiritual discipline

The retreat is a mix of worship, silence, presentation, limited discussion and experiential activities.  It is may feel like a mix of workshop and retreat. Participants are asked to complete some readings in advance and to experiment with spiritual practices during the sessions


Eucharistic Spirituality

A very practical approach -- spiritual practices and methods for members to enter more fully into the Eucharist; including ways of engaging the Word, use of the body in worship, what we bring into the Eucharist. This program could be used in conjunction with "Improving the Sunday Eucharist" an initiative in the Wonderful & Sacred Mystery series.


An opportunity to reflect on your friendships, friendship with God. Friendship in scriptures, tradition and ethics. 

 The Benedictine Promise

On the dynamics in your life of obedience, stability and conversion of life.

Ministry of the Baptized 

A process of looking at your current approach to opening up to your renewal in the Christian Life; how you approach ministry as a baptized person. Includes work related to one's own Rule of Life, the relationship between faith and daily life, issues about balance and harmony in life.



 To arrange for a retreat contact Bob Gallagher


Parishes in the Diocese of West Virginia 2011