Shaping an empowered parish community: Part Three
Friday, July 19, 2019 at 2:16PM
Robert Gallagher

We are in relationship with everyone with whom we share those sacraments

That’s from a sermon by Sister Debra Susannah Mary, CMMR this past Sunday. Debbie made the case that our life in community is grounded in our sharing of the sacraments, especially Baptism and Eucharist. Being in that relationship brings about and sustains our human dignity and equality with one another in the Body of Christ.


She drew on Evelyn Underhill, “God is always coming to you in the Sacrament of the present moment. Meet and receive Him there with gratitude in that sacrament.” Debbie expanded on that lovely reality of the sacrament of the present moment, “When we see the world sacramentally, we see God in every experience and every person; and through them, we allow ourselves to receive God’s grace.” The Samaritan and the man who had fallen into the hands of robbers who left him half dead – that was the formation of a community, a relationship, because of the truth of the sacrament of the present moment.


My mind drifted to the Promise we make in the Order of the Ascension,

To seek the presence of Jesus Christ in the people, things and circumstances of life through stability, obedience and conversion of life.

It’s another way of acknowledging the sacrament of the present moment. Another way of seeing how God knits us to one another in community.

From her sermon,

Whether we like it or not, we are in relationship with everyone with whom we share those sacraments. They do more than that, though. They call us to see the Divine Presence all around us; perhaps chance meetings between people are not accidents, but divinely arranged encounters with the promise of grace. 

An empowered parish community is shaped by the sacramental life we share.


Shaping an empowered parish community: Part One

Shaping an empowered parish community: Part Two

Shaping an empowered parish community: Part Three 

Shaping an empowered parish community: Part Four

Shaping an empowered parish community: Part Five 

Article originally appeared on Congregational Development (
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