If you are interested in more background on the history of parish development in the Episcopal Church, here are two sources -
Understanding from Within
Michelle Heyne and I wrote an article for the Organization Development Practitioner in the Winter 2015 edition. Here's a link to that edition. There's also a posting on this site that adds to the OD Practitioner article.
The article was written for members of the OD Network, the largest professional association of organization development practitioners. That's a largely secular audience and the piece is written in a manner that reflects that.
We also wrote a posting for those OD Practitioners who wanted more information on the models mentioned in the article. It's also a resource for parish development practitioners in the church seeking resources. Here's a link to that article.
The History of Parish Development in the Episcopal Church
It provides an overview of the field, the history, and a reflection on the current state of the field (a bit dated). It explains three streams to the field: pastoral and ascetical theology, organization development, and a blending of the two.
There's also a discussion of six ways in which parishes have done parish development: best practices, limited competency development, longer and more intensive leadership training programs, and so on.
As you'd expect there's a good bit on the development and evolution of the Church Development Institute.
We end by offering three suggestions that we think might improve the existing DCDI and CCD programs:
We are offering a few suggestions to DCDI and CCD based on what was learned in Shaping the Parish:
1. Provide developmental interventions (projects) for participants to use that are designed to be truly developmental. Support that with coaching from experienced trainers. Comment - we continue to hear about projects that are designed by participants in the two programs. Most are not really developmental. Of course participants can still learn about the process of change in a parish as well as about their own emotional and spiritual life as they engage the work. Participant skills can be better increased if they are provided with a few well designed developmental initiatives to carry out in the first year of the program. That pattern might be continued or they might then be invited to design their own projects.
2. Begin with a weekend T-group and the use of several instruments (MBTI, FIRO B, and TKI). Information on T-groups -- Crosby Gallagher. Our Shaping the Parish experience suggest that doing these activities at the front end of a program creates a more open learning environment that persists, establishes a norm of useful and skilled feedback, and sharpens the emotional intelligence of most participants. A difficulty with this is that it means that the training staff need to have a much higher level of training competence.
3. We invite the leaders of DCDI and CCD to borrow from what we learned in Shaping the Parish.
"The History of Parish Development in the Episcopal Church" -- Here's the link.
The pictures
CDI-Washington (around 2001) - a diocesan program
CDI-Colorado (around 2008) - a diocesan program
CDI-Seattle (2007) - a national program
CDI-General Seminary (early 1990's?) - a national program
CDI Colorado (2008) - a diocesan program