Consultations & Training

Making arrangements:

Your contact person to arrange for consulations or training workshops is Michelle Heyne

We'll work with your diocese to conduct a lab training program in your area. Information for the diocese.

Information on consultation fees and how to get started


Overall improvement of parish life and ministry

The focus here is on the improvement of the total system. This is a process that begins with a broad assessment of the current strengths, weaknesses and hopes of the parish. Parish leaders and the consultant work together to identify the best places to begin an improvement process.

Creating a sense of direction

Visioning and planning; establishing a direction that fits the congregation's context, the changes it faces, and the improvements it desires. Includes check-ins over a period of time.

Annual leadership conference /retreat

Designing and facilitating your yearly leadership gathering. This is often one of the most efficient and effective ways for parish leaders to manage congregational development issues.  More information.

Increasing trust and managing conflict

Trust and conflict are related dynamics. This consultation focuses on how a parish can actively promote trusting relationships and  a climate of trust. For parishes not currently facing a high level of conflict.

Team building and improving meetings

This consultation may focus on both or either team building and improving meetings.

Membership growth

By learning to attend to a spirituality of hospitality and welcome.

Exploring options for the future

This is a process in which parish leaders explore the options available for structuring ministry, e.g., living at a smaller size, merger, clustering, etc. Can be done with one parish or several in a region.

E-mail and/or on-line consultation

This is a relatively low cost method of accessing professional consultation services. 


Michelle and Bob with Saint Augustine's Church, Oakland